On 13th March 2023 we had a chance to meet the women leaders, and this was a good chance to catch up since the last physical meeting in October 2022 in Addis. This also served as a forum to take stoke of how the executive coaching was going on. The women showed great appreciation for Prof Tony and how he has been able to listen and offer great advice and guidance through their personal and work issues.
Also noteworthy was how the women leaders have integrated the feminist training we had in Addis into their organizations in various ways. Anna shared how her efforts at gender mainstreaming led to an award by a major establishment in Tanzania.
We also had a chance to look at how feminist leadership has transformed workplace cultures. Each women leader shared their experiences ranging from bringing more inclusivity to the workplace, making everyone feel they matter, to noticing each person’s needs and providing personalized attention to each staff/employee.

Key insights as shared from coaching/transforming workplaces through feminist principles:
- It has helped me to know my worth
- You can go through any leadership challenge as long as you have support. Never back off any challenge, rather find support to get you through it
- Being authentic (I don’t have all the answers) goes a long way in building good relationships and team work
- We as women have unique struggles and we have to support and stand up for each other to grow together as one
- Being one with others fosters inclusivity and openness. You don’t have to sit on the high table all the time as leaders