Strengthening Institutional and Organizational Capacity of TNRF (November 2019 – April 2020).
RTI – USAID PROTECT contracted CBLI to provide consultancy services in Strengthening Institutional and Organizational Capacity of TNRF Secretariat in membership recruitment and coordination, communication, Resource mobilization (fundraising), Monitoring and Evaluation, Engagement of Women and Youth in Natural Resource Governance, Coordination and Management of CSO platforms. The assignment included; Developing a focused Organizational Strengthening Plan (OSP); Strengthening the MEL system for TNRF and its members; Support TNRF to develop toolkit and strategies to involve more women and youth in natural resource governance to enhance their participation in sustainable natural resources management and benefit equally from the use of these resources; Developing tools for membership recruitment and communicate back the services TNRF is providing to its members; Assisting/mentoring and developing a tool for TNRF to coordinate and manage CSO platforms and working groups to influence natural resources policy reforms in Tanzania; and providing a tailored-made mentorship to TNRF secretariat on addressing specific gaps.