Participants at the learning workshop III on 19th June 2020. APC centre Dar.
We have successfully finished the second leadership training for the Tanzania chapter of the grantees we support, with the third module being held from 15th to 19th June 2020 in Dar es salaam, Tanzania. We had 17 participants from five different organizations based in Tanzania during the nine-month training period. This training was complimented with a mentorship and coaching support for all the participants.
Key growth points for participants in the leadership course
- I have taken on more shared responsibilities at organizational level in the areas of operations (Jackson)
- I am improving at time management and how to deal with stress in the organization (Fortunata)
- I have built my skills in time management and building teams at work, and I have learnt how to be an empathetic leader too (Elisante)
- second module gave me more leadership skills and made my team work better. I also got a sense of belonging to the rest of the staff and makes team more productive (Joanita)
- I was struggling with time management but it’s gotten much better now. Being ambitious and sticking to the plan has also helped to accomplish my tasks and goals (Joyce)
- Spirit of team work has increased in our organization and productivity too, and there has been changes of how we work together in our organization of recent. For me personally I was concentrating on how to appreciate effort of staff in the organization (Emmanuel)
- We shared with the team about organization systems and other skills development as learnt from module II. We will continue to do skills development online even after this (Moses)
- I have been working on my time management issue; especially balancing between work and family, we are few and we have been flexible how to work with the rest of the staff (Sabrina)
- Stress management, information sharing and teamwork has been strengthened. Also, decision making skills was very helpful for me and for the organization (Hassan)
- I have become better in decision making and stress management (Irene)
- on a personal level these sessions have really helped in how I work with people and in decision making and innovation. We have been working on social innovation and this has helped me to see possibilities in this area. Financial management was also an eye opener and I realize how we are all accountable in financial management at the office (Saumu)
- I am more focused now in how I work since I have been doing the leadership training. Through the second module we realized it’s good to have an organization appraisal as a baseline to advance change projects in the organization (Raymond)
- As an organization we have become more engaged in financial management and team work due to this course (Mustafa)

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and the CBLI Team for organizing this training. To me, the nine months journey has been quite transformational. I believe my contribution to MCT will be of more merit than it was before the training. I have learnt a lot, I thank you and I cannot take for granted the effort you put to train us all. I will make YOU proud and promote the social justice cause.
Thank you,
Saumu Mwalimu, MCT
Thank you for the super mentorship program which have nurtured us to be better leaders to a great extent. I believe we will not continue with business as usual but rather become leaders who reason critically and do informed decisions. We will also be your good ambassadors wherever we are.
Ahsanteni sana.
Kudely Sokione, ICS Tanzania
Dear CBLI Team,
I would like to express my appreciation regarding the leadership course for the past nine months. It has been a useful journey of learning and it has already impacted my behavior especially on the aspect of emotional intelligence and acceptance of feedback. I am really thankful. Please pass my regards to CBLI centre regarding my appreciation.
Thank you.
Renatha Selemani, LHRC