On the 31st of March 2022, CBLI Centre celebrated its 10th Anniversary in Arusha. The directors, staff and key stakeholders joined together for a dinner, dance and remembering the key highlights of the CBLI Centre journey since 2012 to date.

CBLI Managing Partner with some invited guests
In this period of time, we have managed to provide capacity building support to over 120 CSOs in the East and South African region and provided grant management services for three key partners in the same period of time.
We at CBLI Centre are also particularly proud of the women sisterhood movement that was started in 2018 together with the female CSO leaders who we have worked with over time and also, we have successfully run four cycles of a second-tier leadership course for middle level managers that has proved quite useful for the middle levels managers who are looking to move forward and upwards into bigger leadership roles and take on more more responsibilities. The number of trained leaders so far stands at 64.