The meeting was held on the 3rd and 4th of April 2023. This was the first physical meeting since 2019 when we met in Arusha. Six women and four men were able to attend the meeting. First day was spent covering reconnection, reflection on civil society and communication. The second day was spent learning more about kind leadership something that CBLI and U-Matter are developing together.
Som of the key issues covered in reconnection include working with youth and suggestions of how we can d this, the tightening tax systems especially in Uganda, how to get past getting stuck with clients long past the contract period, how Covid-19 made us work smarter by cutting down on costs that we realized were unnecessary after all and finally how productivity went up during the pandemic and better efficiency employed though use of online forums.

Key insights/what went well
- Forward thinking approach used was thoughtful
- Content and program well thought through and enabled meaningful engagement within the team
- Capacity building of the team through communication skills and kind leadership topics was well done. We should keep this as a standard and offer capacity at every meeting by utilizing the existing knowledge among the group members and external resource persons
- Interactive environment and rich discussions
- Mix of the team was great. Productive and humble members made the workshop pleasant indeed
- Great opportunity to meet each other and interact with like minded individuals
- The generosity and kindness to share knowledge among the colleagues was commendable (kind leadership and communication skills)
- I am proud to be part of CBLI as an associate consultant and have learnt a lot from the workshop as well as been intrigued a lot by kind leadership as facilitated by Prof Tony. I hope we will continue to reflect more and share as a team and learn together
- Prof Tony facilitation and unpacking of the concept of kind leadership was great
- The commitment and sense of ownership by the CBLI associate consultants was striking and quite heartening to see
- The concept of kind leadership framework is helpful in cultivating safe and learning organizations